The Walking Dead:Deaths That Should Have Never Happened

The Walking Dead:Deaths That Should Have Never Happened

The Walking Dead has missed the mark once again with an unnecessary death of a main character. This proves that the graphic novels will always be superior to the television series. 


Carl Grimes

Carl’s departure from The Walking Dead was a hard farewell to both the avid comic book and television fan. AMC, once again, made the poor choice to kill off a core character with potential. Carl was bitten by a walker after tripping over his own feet. The bite, as we all know, is a death sentence and ultimately claims Carl’s life.

Carl was a huge factor in the “All Out War” between The Saviors and Survivors from the comics. Not only was Carl’s death a far cry from the comic books, so were his personality traits. Carl, in his final moments and even throughout Season 8,  had this “Save Humanity” philosophy. Comic book Carl wanted justice for the death of Glenn and was often described as reckless.

Carl’s death was another “let’s shock the audience” ploy. Scott Gimple (Executive Producer of The Walking Dead) presented to viewers that the death of Carl was a push to move the storyline. Carl has been the only character that has gone toe to toe with Negan on various occasions and lived to tell the tale. He was growing more into the man that could take the torch from his father. This was something he was being set up for in the comics, but will never have a chance to fulfill in the series.

Sophia Peletier 

Sophia Peletier had an untimely death in Season 2. Not only was her death heartbreaking, but the death alone was a let down to comic book fans. Sophia was killed off-screen by walkers as a tool to push Carol Peltier’s storyline. Sophia was ultimately replaced by the character, Enid (the exact carbon copy of the graphic novel Sophia). Fans like myself would have preferred Sophia being apart of the surviving group and Grimes clan.


When we think about characters that were done wrong on the television series, Andrea comes to mind for many fans. Andrea played an important role in the graphic novels especially with Rick Grimes. She was a character that was well developed in the comics unlike her television counterpart that played more of a love interest to the Governor.

The television series continues to make strong characters from the comics into dependent plot devices to push other character storylines. Andrea eventually meets her fate in the comics. However, her lifespan in the comics outlasted her short run in the three seasons of The Walking Dead.

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