The Walking Dead: Episode 8×05 Highlights and Thoughts

The Walking Dead brings back everyone’s favorite villain in the latest episode titled, “The Big Scary U.” Fans were treated to small teaser into Negan’s pre-apocalyptic life, and a fight between Rick and Daryl that made us all die a bit inside. Is this the end to The Walking Dead bromance? What will become of The Sanctuary as there is an uprising in the horizon? Here are my thoughts and highlights from the episode. 


Not All Can Be Forgiven, Negan

The episode takes fans back to the very first episode when the groups arrive to The Santuary to overthrow Negan. We see some boring clips and conversation from the lack luster character of Gregory. Then we are brought back up to speed in some capacity with Negan and Father Gabrielle in the trailer that is surrounded by walkers. Father Gabrielle has a few spiritual blows to throw at Negan, calling for the baseball bat swinging leader to ask for forgiveness. Of course, Negan entertains Father Gabrielle and quickly throws the typical Negan sarcastic retort.

The persistent Father Gabrielle makes one last ditch effort for a confession out of Negan. Grabbing the handgun that Negan has tucked in his back and locks himself in a room. This leaves Negan in arms reach of walkers that have broken bits off the trailer. Negan tells Father Gabrielle about his first wife and her fate. He confides in Father Gabrielle that his one regret was not being able to kill his wife when she turned. That tad bit into Negan’s backstory has me intrigued and hoping that we will get a proper backstory.

The Bromance is Over

Fans have noted the loose cannon nature of Daryl Dixon this season as he has become unattached to human life: remember that Savior he killed point blank with little time for Rick to question about saving their life. Finally, their differences came to a head in this episode as the two have a full on fist fight. The fight started over an argument which sparked on the idea of the world they will live in if they win or lose the battle against Negan. Both have opposing views on what actions need to be taken and the value of life.

Daryl Dixon opposes the trip to make peace or another agreement with the Garbage Community (I mean that literally. This is one community that I would love to see go from the series). Rick believes to win they will need some type of alliance with them. Hasn’t Rick learned anything from last season? Trust your own and protect your own seems to be Daryl’s motto and I am on board with him as well. The Kingdom has lost their army and more are dying in this war. The last thing the Grimes group needs is the ultimate bromance breakup.

Quick Thoughts 

  • Who was in that mysterious helicopter? The Walking Dead writers have been notorious about using helicopters as “Beacons of Hope” throughout the seasons.
  • Eugene and Dwight seem to have each others numbers when it comes to where their allegiance lies. Dwight has been in communication with Daryl to help the communities attack The Sanctuary. With a new agenda from Negan to Eugene to find the traitor in the group or face death. Will Eugene turn in Dwight to spare his life or will the brain of the show come up with a master plan of his own?
  • What is going on with Father Gabrielle? The Walking Dead ended with another confusing and abrupt cliffhanger with Father Gabriel begging Eugene to get the Hilltop doctor out of The Sanctuary, and all the while he was looking super sweaty and trembling. Did he infect himself when putting on the walker guts?


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