Teen Wolf: 6×03 What’s In A Name?


The final season of Teen Wolf is here.  Rather than doing recaps of episodes this season, we will be pointing out some key moments and predictions. So join us as we work to try to remember with episode 3, “Sundowning.”

The Stilinski Family 

This episode was filled with backstory of the Sitlinski family from meeting Elias ‘Stiles’ Stilinski, to a sweet memory shared by Noah Stilinski. Yes, you read right, Noah Stilinski, the long reigning Sheriff of Beacon Hills had his name dropped in last night’s episode. This news came after Scott, Lydia and Malia pay Elias Stilinski, the father to Noah and grandfather to Stiles, at a nursing home. Lydia is quick to notice Elias suffers from dementia.  She tries to help Elias calm down after showing symptoms of sundowning. She gives Elias mathematical equations until Elias, for a moment, is himself again.

No longer the sweet old man the pack was introduced to, Elias lays down how he really feels about the parents of Scott and Lydia. He recalls the affairs of Scott’s father and how beautiful Lydia’s mother once was. Before Malia could rough up Elias a bit for answers about Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski barges in to escort the pack out.

Just as Sheriff begins to leave, Elias calls out for his son, “Noah.” A subtle name drop for fans as Sheriff’s true name has been kept a secret until now, but that’s not the only name fans were hoping to learn of this episode.

Noah, while paying a visit to Scott, recalls a dream with Claudia in college: the two are laying bed and talking about the name of their unborn son. Noah insists that they name their son after Claudia’s father. Claudia laughed and mentioned that their son would go by “Stiles” anyway. They may possibly be hinting that Noah Stilinski is slowly starting to regain a little bit of his memory or at the least is willing to help Scott and his pack. Perhaps those last parting words from Elias, “Go back to your dead wife and your loser son,” still haunts him.

Garrett Douglas 

Well we know now where all that stolen helium is! The case of the missing helium started back in episode one and has carried over through out the season thus far from the failed supernatural ruse between Scott and Stiles to Parrish informing Sheriff Stilinski of the recent rise of helium theft. Little did we know that the helium theme would be carried over into the reveal of the supernatural baddie that we all saw coming, Garrett Douglas.

Last nights’s episode confirmed that the new teacher to Beacon Hills is in fact the creature that escaped the Dread Doctors test tube in last season’s finale. Gasping for air during a calls lecture the teacher walks back to the supply closet to huff up helium to calm himself.

Garrett is the Nazi Alpha Werewolf that is killing innocent people and only eating their pineal gland (the souls) of his victims which is a pattern discovered by Chris Argent and Melissa McCall.

Things To Keep In Mind

  • Claudia is not what she seems. When Noah asked if she reconsidered thoughts about not having children, Claudia is quick to reply with a no. However, Noah recalls a dream (which is more like a memory) of the two of them talking about the name of their future son. Also did you catch the way Claudia was looking at Lydia? How Claudia kept a close watch on Lydia like she was getting too close to discovering something?
  • Parrish has a run in with a Ghost Rider.  The two supernatural creatures are tied together in The Wild Hunt. So when the two come face to face, it is the Ghost Rider this time that vanishes leaving him alone along with the hunter new comer, Gwen. Could Parrish be able to control The Ghost Riders?
  • Lydia is slowly piecing things together thanks to her Banshee abilities: from train dreams to a elderly woman shouting “The following stops have been cancelled,” and then being led to a wall that used to be where Stiles’s room used to be. Lydia will be the key to having people remember Stiles.

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