Teen Wolf: How Fans Prepare For The Mid-Season Finale


 Teen Wolf goes on a Mid-Season hiatus today. Fans are always looking for ways to up their  ‘Moonday’ viewing of the latest Teen Wolf episode. Here are just a few ‘Wolfies’  howling over Teen Wolf. 

1. Show Off Your Teen Wolf Fashion!



[@kfreeflute featured in the photographs above]

Teenwolfashions created a fun ‘Moonday’ for their instagram page @teenwolffashionsblog. Teen Wolf Fashions is a blog amongst others on tumblr who follow the style trends on the show. The Teen Wolf Fashion blog finds active links to identified pieces of wardrobe, and links to sites where they can purchase clothing items seen on the show. With the blog’s instagram account they ask followers to tag @teenwolffashionsblog with photos of themsleves in their favorite Teen Wolf fashions pieces. Here are some ‘Wolfies’ that were willing to share their photos, along with @teenwolffashionsblog.


2. Teen Wolf Marathon and Viewing Parties 

Fans are more than eager for the mid-season finale of season 5. On May 29th MTV was kind enough to air all four seasons for a re-watch marathon. Fans took this opportunity to go on social media, and use #TeenWolfRewatch to allow fans to live view and tweet during each episode. In preparation for tonight’s mid-season finale, fans are able to view season 5 through the MTV app and at mtv.com

3. Fun Social Media Games

Every show has a drinking game for those that are of age, and those who are not can join in with their own non-alcoholic beverage. Here is a fun “Drinking Game, ” to help get you through the Mid-Season finale.


Whether you prepare for ‘Moondays’ Mid-Season finale wearing your favorite Teen Wolf fashion item, having an all day marathon with episodes shown so far for Season 5, or  a fun drinking game. There will be nothing to prepare Teen Wolf fans for today. Teen Wolf promises the reveal of what Parrish is, possibly the full name of Stiles Stilinski and death.


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