Teen Wolf: Another New Face In Beacon Hills


MTV made the announcement that there will be a new fresh face joining the cast of Teen Wolf for Season 6. This is following the announcement of two other additions to the cast Garrett Douglas and Alisha Boe. Looks like Ross Butler with be joining the MTV hit series for Season 6. Here is what we know. 

Ross Butler will be playing the new guy on the lacrosse team named Nathan. Nathan apparently does not believe in the supernatural. Now this is an intriguing idea. I get the feeling that most of cast has been through this denial, until they are slapped with supernatural creatures terrorizing the town of Beacon Hills. Also should we even mention that most of Beacon Hills high school should be believers after Season 5! When the Beast of Gévaudan was unleashed on the school, leading to a claw slashing fight in wolf form by Scott and Liam, while their classmates watched from behind stacks of books?

I digress, so Nathan is either a supernatural creature himself or he will be slapped upside the head with the supernatural world, because lets face it. There is nothing more fun for a supernatural villain or creature to make his presence known, than at a lacrosse game. Just ask Gerard, Scott, Kira, Jackson, and The Beast of Gévaudan! I just hope that the growing list of cast additions is not a repeat of Season 4, when “what could have been characters” became expendable. All and all I am looking forward to Season 6 and what the new characters will bring to Beacon Hills, as we have grown to know, never trust a new face!

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