Star Wars Episode 9 Teaser Trailer Review

Star Wars fans attending Star Wars Celebration (April 11-April 15th) got a special teaser trailer of the final installment of the Star Wars Saga. Though this fan was not at Star Wars Celebration, I did watch the teaser trailer. Here are my thoughts on the new trailer.
Star Wars has a long history of epic story telling, out of this world (literally) action sequences and, at its core, a heart that everyone has come to love. Fans from all around the world wait in excitement and anticipation as each new movie comes out. Some of the movies smashed it out of the park (Rogue One, Force Awakens, Original trilogy) and some not so much (Last Jedi, prequel trilogy). And the anticipation for this newest installment of the franchise is high as it is the final movie of the sequel trilogy. On top of that, this movie has to overcome the mercurial Last Jedi. Some people loved The Last Jedi, but many more absolutely did not like it and did not think it was up to par when it comes to the Trilogy Star Wars movies. I say this because there are higher expectations for the movies in the trilogies versus the side story movies like Rogue One (which is my personal favorite of all the movies). Suffice to say this latest and last installment of this trilogy has a lot to live up to. With JJ Abrams back on the project, many fans feel more confident that this will be a good movie and epic conclusion to this epic series. So did I like the trailer? Yes I did. I wish there was more of it, but then again it is a teaser trailer. Still, in that small amount of time, they showed a lot of people, places and things that really excites a fan. So let’s start with the juicy parts first. Let me first start with the reveal of the title. Each Star Wars movie is listed as its episode number until the title is revealed in the first teaser trailer. Well this Star Wars movie did not disappoint in this aspect. Star Wars Episode 9’s title is The Rise of Skywalker. Now since the trailer had a heavy focus on Rey and Kylo Ren, this brings up a lot of questions. Are they finally confirming that Rey is actually a Skywalker and if so how is she related? Is she the long lost daughter of Luke Skywalker? Conversely, could this title be in reference to Kylo Ren? Kylo Ren, despite going to the dark side, is a Skywalker by blood. Maybe we will see Kylo have a change of heart and come back to the side of light or is this title in reference to the rise of Kylo as the next Darth Vader. Is this a more negative title or a positive one? The title itself will be a topic of many a fan’s discussions as to who it is referring to. Throughout the teaser, we see amazing action shots for both Rey and Kylo as they battle their enemies. We also see some familiar faces in this trailer like Lando Calrissian, General Leia Organa and C3PO, but what really had fans chomping at the bit is the last part: the ominous laugh of Emperor Palpatine. For many Star Wars fans, that laugh is very recognizable. Played by Ian McDiarmid, Emperor Palpatine is one of the principal villains who is the mastermind behind a lot of the terrible things that happen like turning Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader. Darth Vader himself killed Palpatine to save Luke in The Return of the Jedi, but now we hear the Emperor’s sinister laughter in this trailer. What does this mean for the Star Wars Universe?
Many fans are now itching to see more for this movie and I can’t wait for the full length trailers. Emotions will be high this December as this is the final movie of this trilogy and possibly the entire saga. Still, I am very excited to see what is in store.

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