Shay and Michaela are “Bliss.”


Shay Mitchell and Michael Blaney attended a book signing for their co-colloborated fiction novel ‘Bliss’ at Barnes and Nobles in San Diego on October 17,2015. 

Fans of Shay Mitchell and the book Bliss lined up early Saturday morning. Die hard Shay Mitchell fans waited in line  four hours before the doors opened at 9 am to secure their wristband that morning. I witnessed tweens and young adult squealing with excitement as they left the registers, the realization that they will have the chance to meet their idol.

Barnes and Nobles did well with monitoring the lines and ensure all guest in line left with a wristband. No one that morning left broken hearted or hopes crushed from meeting Shay.  I received my wristband shortly after 9:30 a.m. and was given clear instruction to come back at noon to be cued up for the book signing at 1 p.m.

Barnes and Nobles was filled with avid Pretty Little Liars fans and of the actress Shay Mitchel [portrays Emily Fields on the show]. The signing ran behind, but that didn’t stop fans from cheering on Shay and Michaela as they made their way into the venue. Cheers, screams, squeals and chants can be heard as they joined fans for the signing.

Immediately engaging with everyone in attendance with snap chat videos, they were saying hello and thanking every for supporting the book.  Michaela and Shay were genuine to each and every person that came to the table. Listening to kind words, receiving gifts and posing for photos. Shay received various gifts from adoring fan from pizza, artwork, flowers, cupcakes and showing self-made tees they made for her. I even believe I saw someone dressed as a pizza [pizza is Shay Mitchell’s favorite food].

I am excited to read Bliss and have a feeling there will be adult content in it to appease more than just the young adult readers. As I witness Shay encouraging young fans to wait to read her book once they are 16 years of age. A full review of the book Bliss by Shay Mitchell and Michaela Blaney will be up on the blog once I finish the novel. Stay tuned.


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