Shadowhunters Thoughts and Highlights from 2×13: “Those Of Demon Blood”

Season 2 of Shadowhunters is flipping the script and diverting far from the book series that has fans like myself a little wary about the direction the show is taking. Here are my thoughts on episode 13, “Those of Demon Blood”

Shadowhunters is following in the footsteps of other popular young adult book to television adaptations like Pretty Little Liars and The Vampire Diaries. In which, the book series storylines are thrown out the window to make way from some questionable choices to “shock” viewers. Luckily, they haven’t killed anymore fan favorites (yet)! Instead, they are hooking up characters for what seems to be anything less than a plot filler.

While Simon and Clary continue to try and prove that they are a solid couple, others are sifting through the past and trying to forget or remember the feeling of what love feels like. Two particular hookups left fans of the book series and show scratching their heads. The first “sorta” hookup was between Dot and Magnus.

Dot to me is a filler character in the Shadowhunters series, used only to fill in the plot and push character’s screentime and development along. This is proven once again when Dot visits Magnus at his loft and the two reminisce about the past they share. It is divulged to fans that the two had a romantic history. Even though Magnus has moved on from Dot, she has not been able to shake Magnus. She goes in for an attempted kiss while Magnus is vulnerable after an altercation with Alec.

However, the most interesting hookup was between Jace and Maia. These two have been at each others throats all season and looks like they needed to take off the steam the only way they knew how. I don’t believe these two will go anywhere past the alley hookup. As the reasoning behind their hookup was to prove that Jace was over Clary. Maia also seems to have her own agenda as she had feelings for Simon before.

Notable Moments

  • Clary has a fire ignited in her to save those she loves. She even wins the respect of Maia after she stood up to The Clave to free her after a fist fight with Jace during Clave orders to insert tracking devices into downworlders. Clary has come into her own, and I am excited to see where she goes this season.
  • Magnus tells Alec that he loves him. This is one ship that fans can get behind, and I am happy to see their romance play out on screen.
  • Downworlders are looking for revenge against The Clave and Shadowhunters as their family and friends were killed by Valentine igniting the Soul Sword. Clans will be in arms as their own will seek justice against the Shadow World.
  • Jace Herondale dethrones himself as head of The Institute and paces the responsibility to Alec Lightwood. He shows that his heritage doesn’t define him and allow the privilege to pass over to others.

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