iZombie Episode 1 “Zombie Bro”

Zombie Bro

At a fraternity costume party, Chad Wolcoff, the pledge captain, was repeatedly stabbed by an unsub in a blue bear mascot costume. Liv and Clive go to Zeta Beta Theta to interview the frat brothers. Liv has a vision of one of the boys telling Chad “You ruined my life.” They go to investigate, and find pictures on his instagram of someone in a furry blue costume in different shots near Chad at the timing of his death.

Major is getting a checkup on his blood pressure by Ravi. They talk about the cure and how Ravi has only been able to run tests on regular Utopium, but he doesn’t understand how the drug functions. Ravi invites Major to accompany him to a club to monitor him while he is on the drug to learn of its effects, and for his research.

Liv gets invited to a frat party merely for ‘work’, but because of the brain she is on she spends most her time drinking beer. The episode flashes to Ravi and Major dancing and getting high off of the Utopium. Major ends up keeling over in the bathroom, and Liv goes to get him when she receives a phone call that she was listed as the emergency contact. She takes him home and Liv is asked by Major if she can stay with him.

A body is brought to the morgue, and Ravi discovers it as the drug dealer that gave him the Utopium at the club.

Blaine visits the DA (who is a zombie), and he needs to go after the Boss and put him in jail. The Boss has been killing rich kids and Blaine implies that it’s the DA’s job to protect them. In order to do this the DA requires Blaine to give him cash. So, Blaine ends up paying his father a visit in order to get money.

The boyfriend of the girl who rented the Captain Wozzle costume ended up being the unsub. His father was killed by a drunk driver and all he had to go off of was a name. But he ended up killing the wrong Chad as the one who caused the accident had spent 5 years speaking out in schools about the dangers of drunk driving as his way of making amends.

Liv ends up going to Major and Ravi’s house to pick up her phone replacement. She wants to see him as she believes things are fine because they are on speaking terms again. Major however tells her that he is busy when she knocks on his door to check on him.

We then see Major laying on his bed, and taking more of the Utopium drug.

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