iZombie Episode 1: “Grumpy Old Liv”


Ravi and Liv are back at the morgue, and he reminds her that for three months he has been trying to recreate the cure. It had not been properly tested and worries that the side effects are temporary. They discuss about finding more Utopium and the need to go with a lead.https://i0.wp.com/i.imgur.com/uN1UcgK.jpg

The episode kicks off with Ravi and Liv arriving to a murder scene of Wendell Gordon Gale, a 77 year old man.  His car was kicked released causing it to crush him. “This is why I pay someone to fix my car.” – Ravi.  Knowing that there is always a story behind the murder, Liz partakes in devouring the victim’s brain on the hunt for clues.


Later, Liv is getting ready to transfer a body, and, discover that new funeral home owner is under Blaine’s alias. Liv decides to pay Blaine a visit, telling him that she needs more of the tainted Utopium, and gives him a reason for helping her. The “cure” she gave him last season out of spite, may not be permanent. Always searching for clues Liv investigates his shipment, a coffin, which happens to be holding an entire stash of pure Utopium.

We then find that Major is now working as a personal trainer. And he faces a problem: Clive is still fixated that Major had something to do with the Meat Cut murders and Liv tells him of this. He goes to make a house call and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, when he meets his client. He’s got “zombie sense” going on.

Liv experiences a vision [from eating Wendell’s brain] that stands out: a dog being poisoned. She remembers the neighbor, Byron, had reported the body had paintings of a cocker spaniel and dog toys, but they didn’t see a dog there. This gives them an idea that Byron killed Wendell out of revenge for possibly killing his dog.

He has an alibi for the night that he was at a soccer game. However, on the security tape Clive notices something suspicious: his shoes, wafflestompers, appear to be the perfect fit for the bloody footprints at the crime scene. They pay him another visit with a warrant to search his house for the shoes and it is a match. Byron admits that after his dog had been missing a few days he highly suspected Wendell of being responsible. Wendell gave an attitude to Bryon. Byron snapped and kick the car, releasing the car on top of Wendell, and sealing his fate.

At Max Rager, Vaughn, is talking to someone about zombie’s living among them and that it needs to be put to an end. The other person is revealed to be Major, and Vaughn tells him that he is the only person for the job. He is shown a hit list of zombies that need to be killed. Major is reluctant until he is blackmailed that they will start with Liv if he doesn’t do it.

The episode ends with Liv being invited to watch a zombie movie with her new roommate. And as it turns out… her roommate happens to be Vaughn’s secretary… coincidence? I think not.

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