Game Of Thrones Season 8 Trailer Breakdown

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Trailer Breakdown

The beginning of the trailer starts off with a creeping ice storm rolling over the north side of the dragonstone table map that we first introduced to in Season 7. The ice storm represents the Night King and his army breaching over the wall. The wave of ice continues to wash over the north (Tarth, Last Hearth, and Karhold) until we see the Stark map holder turn into ice. Alluding to a big battle in Winterfell in which the Night King will win.

The storm of winter continues to wash over Twins, Pyke, The Eyrie and Riverrun with Viserion flying over just before Winter is met with fire from the South. The Lannister Lion is ignited which can be an indication that Cersei is dethroned by Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. However, the final battle may not take place in King’s Landing as we have all assumed. The fire from the South meets Winter near the Isle of Faces. As fire and ice collide we see black rock rising up, which represents the importance of obsidian and the key to defeating the Night King’s army.  

While this is just a teaser, there are suttle hints of what fans can expect from the epic battle of Fire & Ice. 

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