Cosplay Friday Highlight


Here at BGeeky blog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard-work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  So with that ideal, we are excited to expand out highlights to the cosplay community. Starting with our very first cosplay highlight of the extremely talented, Aaron. 

1. What sparked your desire to cosplay? 

My spark of desire was a YouTuber that goes by the user name TwinFools. He is an amazing cosplayer, and he showed me it was okay to be a trans male cosplayer. He is basically my cosplay idol. 


Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games )

2. What was your very first cosplay?

My first cosplay would have to be when I did Spain from Hetalia.  This cosplay was like a pirate version of the character , so it did not turn out that bad!


Nux ( Mad Max: Fury Road ) 

3. What has been your most difficult cosplay and how long did it take you to complete?

My most difficult cosplay to complete so far would have to be my Quicksilver. It may look simple, but when it came down to it the wig and the clothes really took a hit in my pay check. The wig was completely hand dyed and I even added extra hair to the front of the lace.  The jacket was an original Hummel jacket that he is seen wearing throughout the movie, and I was lucky enough to have a girlfriend who can find stuff like that haha!! This cosplay took me about a year to complete, just trying to find exact articles of clothing.


Quicksilver ( Avengers: Age of Ultron) 

4. What has been your favorite cosplays so far?

My favorite cosplay so far would have to be my quicksilver or my Peeta Mellark.  I hold them both close to my heart.


Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games )

5. What would be your dream cosplay to do and re-enact?

My dream cosplay at the moment would be the ending credit scene with Quicksilver from the X-Men apocalypse movie that just came out (I recommend everyone to go see it !) 


Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games )

Aaron’s Cosplay and Social Media

My Instagram: 

My Facebook:

Photo Credit to:  cristalcraftphotography and Aaron

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