Cosplay Friday Highlight: Teen Wolf Edition


Teen Wolf may be on hiatus, but fans of the hit series are still celebrating and supporting everything Teen Wolf mainly through their love of cosplaying their favorite characters. Here at BGeeky blog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard-work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  So with that ideal, we are excited to for this week’s cosplay highlight: Teen Wolf Edition with the extremely talented, Yasmin. 

1. What sparked your desire to cosplay? What was your very first cosplay?

My first Cosplay was Katherine Pierce from The Vampire Diaries for a Convention. I really loved her style and character. When I started watching Teen Wolf I immediately fell in love with Lydia’s style. I’ve been on Tumblr and recognized some girls that cosplayed characters from Teen Wolf. And I was like ‘Oh my god, I wanna do that too!” I’ve always been a fan of acting and trying new things out. And Cosplaying is kind of like acting, cause you are portraying a character – even if it’s just for a picture. I found these amazing helpful blogs and have been so impressed by their amazing talent to ID all the pieces. The first piece I got was Lydia’s Xhilaration dress. The first Teen Wolf Cosplay itself was for Galvanize.


2. What character do you relate to the most from Teen Wolf?

I think that’s an eye one – Lydia Martin. As I said before, I really fell in love with her style cause that was a lot like mine. I always loved to style girly and wore a lot of stuff with flowers. Her character development has also been amazing and I love how loyal Lydia is. And I hope I can say about myself that I’m also a very loyal person. The other person I can relate to is Stiles. I love his humor and sarcasm. Sarcasm is saving my life on a daily base.

3. What has been your favorite character(s) to cosplay from Teen Wolf?

Until now I’ve only been cosplaying Lydia. But I plan to Cosplay Malia as well. I’d love to get some of her pieces, her style is next to Lydia’s my favorite. Cosplaying Lydia has been a lot of fun for me. I’ve been getting so much positive feedback and that felt really good. I love to re-enact her scenes from Teen Wolf and add my own ideas. My best friend is always taking pictures of me and is so very helpful. I couldn’t thank her enough.


4. If you could cosplay or reenact your favorite scene from Teen Wolf that you haven’t done before what would it be and why?

My favorite scene … that is hard. I’d love to re-enact the Stydia scene from 3×11. The locker room scene. That is one of my all time favorite moments. I’m a Stydia shipper and I love that scene because a lot of reasons. Not only because of the kiss. But because that episode showed how important Lydia is for Stiles. And the other way around. ‘Lydia you go with Stiles’ – one of my favorite lines from that episode. A scene I already re-enacted has been Lydia in Eichen House. I’ve wanted to do that right from the start. I love the fact that we get to see more of her Banshee Powers. I’d also really love to do a Shooting of a scene from Lydia and Allison. Maybe 3×01. But since I still need to get my hands on the hinge top to do that.


5. What are you looking forward to in Season 6 of Teen Wolf?

More girl power! Definitely more girl power. More cute Lydia dresses, amazing Malia Shorts. I hope that Lydia will discover the full amount of her power. I want more interactions between Malia and the desert wolf. Of course I’m hoping for some sweet Stydia moments as well. I want Scott to become the true alpha he’s destined to be. What else? Oh seeing some old faces would also be cool. I want Derek back! And Peter. How cool would that be?!


Bonus Question:

What would be your dream cosplay to do and reenact?

My dream cosplay would definitely be Motel California. First of all that is my favorite episode and my favorite Lydia piece. I’d sell my soul to get that dress! Hopefully one day. That one would definitely my biggest dream cosplay. Next to the Stydia locker room scene like I mentioned before. Something else I’d love to do would be something like a pack shoot. That would also be really amazing.  Make sure you follow Yasmin’s Instagram cosplay account.

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