Cosplay Friday Highlight: Teen Wolf Edition


2. What character do you relate to the most from Teen Wolf?

Stiles and I seem to share a lot of traits. We’re both information sponges and like to go into obsessive detail with anything we’re working on. He’s a clumsy, dorky nerd who tends to let his mouth run away when he gets passionate. I feel you, Stiles!


 3. What has been your favorite character(s) to cosplay from Teen Wolf?

Doing wolfed out Derek and Void Stiles have been a lot of fun! It’s hilarious having someone yell ‘Sour wolf!’ at you across a con hall only to watch them fall apart when you do your best Grumpy Cat impression. I’m a horribly out of character Derek! I feel like Stiles and his sense of fashion suit me best, so I’m excited to cosplay him to some more cons. Cosplaying Dylan O’Brien characters always seems to get a good reaction. He’s a very well-loved guy!

void stiles


4. If you could cosplay or reenact your favorite scene from Teen Wolf that you haven’t done before what would it be and why?

I’d love to do more group shoots and have a few things planned for upcoming conventions. The Stydia locker room scene, some of Derek’s wolfed out fight scenes, night shoots in the woods, a school or lacrosse shoot, more Sterek moments… Just more of everything! I’d be happy to jump into a pool fully clothed as Derek or Stiles for an Abomination photoshoot! I can imagine it would be a lot of fun, but a nightmare for the photographer.


5. What are you looking forward to in Season 6 of Teen Wolf?

I’d like some more development of Lydia with her newly discovered banshee powers! More of the Malia, Desert Wolf and Peter storyline would be interesting. More Peter Hale in general… Scott being a good Alpha and rallying the pack. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect because I avoid most spoilers.  So I’ll take it as it comes.

young peter

Bonus Question:

What would be your dream cosplay to do and re-enact?

For Teen Wolf if we’re going big, I’d love to try some prosthetics or a fully shifted wolf suit, but I wouldn’t be able to take the heat! Less ambitious TW cosplay I really want to do Stiles’ Chaos Rising outfit if I can ever get my paws on the hoodie. Outside of Teen Wolf, at the top of my bucketlist are Mrs. Nesbit Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story and Fandral’s armour from Thor: The Dark World. Hopefully those builds will be happening in the next year…

harley quinn

Social Media Links

Instagram: @harrykurtstiles

Twitter: @harrykurtstiles


Facebook page: Harry Kurt Cosplay at

Photography Credits

Loser King Tommy:

MattEleven Photography:

Nem Cosplay:

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