Cosplay Friday Highlight: Doctor Who Edition



Here at BGeekyblog, we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  With that ideal, we are excited to expand our highlights to the Doctor Who cosplay community.  Let us welcome our first Doctor Who Cosplayer, Denny.  

1.) What sparked your interest in cosplay?

My interest was sparked from birth, but sculpted through age. I wasn’t fully into it when I started, but my family was apart of a Star Trek fan group. We did events and costumes and I ended up on the side lines not wanting to be seen.  I considered my home my stage until that wasn’t enough.

Left to Right: War Doctor, 10th Doctor, Seventh Doctor.

Left to Right: War Doctor, 10th Doctor, Seventh Doctor.

2.) What has been your favorite character to cosplay?

Recently, I have enjoyed cosplaying Beetlejuice, and my created character Wurth Lessterman (red shirt extraordinaire from Star Trek). Cosplaying allows me to play a wide range of roles.

Picture of the Tenth Doctors at a Doctor Who event at Barnes and Noble Mira Mesa.

Picture of the Tenth Doctors at a Doctor Who event at Barnes and Noble Mira Mesa.

3.) What would be your dream cosplay?

I am a big fan of many fandoms and I hope to get further on in my creative ways in fun foam and make gear of war armor for a Baird cosplay.

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4.) What has been the most difficult cosplay for you and why?

Good question. Beetlejuice. He wasn’t so much hard to play as to create one specific piece. With a head piece like Beetlejuice I have tried many types of head pieces from Halloween bought in two pieces ( bald cap and wig). Now my friend and I have begun casting a home made piece. We have experience with Klingon ridges, but it’s the only way to achieve a proper beetle… oh hang on.

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5.) If you could reenact any scene in cosplay from any fandom, what would it be?

I have wanted to reenact many scenes from my favorite shows and movies. It’s hard to choose a favorite one, but if I had to choose one it would have to be “army of darkness” grave yard scene. “Klaatu Verata Nikto”.

Clip from movieclips on Youtube.

6.) Since you are known for your Doctor Who cosplay, what about this character do you relate to?

The Doctor cosplay was derived from a dare. Close friends knew it would be a good character for me, but I wasn’t a big fan of getting attention. I put it on and something shown in me when attention was directed at me.  It made me feel excited in a way. So I look like the character, and I eventually got the outfit.  What makes me The Doctor is how I portray him, but that’s easy because he is me in a nut shell. I feel a connection with the Doctor in my personality and actions.



7.) If you could hang out with any character from any fandom, which character would you like to hang out with and why?

I would more specifically like to hang out with two actors that have played so many of my favorite characters in my life and those two people are Jim Carrey and Bruce Campbell. If I did have to choose a character, Kaylee from “Serenity”would be amazing to hang with. Me and her have a fascination with tinkering, flying and true love.

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8.) What advice would you give to people who are just starting out or getting back into cosplay?

My thing is dream big, but take baby steps. You can’t start huge.  You can only go off what is possible right now. You are not a cosplayer unless you have fun! Also you’re only human and have your whole life to costume if you stick with it. There are so many chances to build your costumes closet bigger then your clothing closet. Also you are in control of your growth and happiness in your costume. Don’t let others decide your costume unless you want it.

S Hart from Bgeekyblog with the Doctors at a Doctor Who event at Barnes and Noble Mira Mesa.

S Hart from Bgeekyblog with the Doctors at a Doctor Who event at Barnes and Noble Mira Mesa. Left to Right:10th Doctor (Michael), Amy Pond (S Hart), War Doctor (Dennis), 10th Doctor (Denny) and 11th Doctor (Madison).

9.) With all the conventions you have been to, what has been your favorite moment(s)?

There is moment after every convention where I’m surprised I haven’t been sent to a hospital. I would have to say my favorite moment is when I was announced as a guest cosplayer at a convention for the first time.


Thank you Denny for the interview.  Make sure you follow and subscribe to him at:

@simply_mad_cosplay on Instagram

iDen Scribbles on Youtube

Facebook Page

Other Doctors:

Seventh Doctor Facebook Page

War Doctor Facebook


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