Cosplay Friday Highlight


Here at Bgeekyblog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  With that ideal, we are excited to expand out highlights to the cosplay community.   This week we are pleased to highlight Hannah. 

1.) What sparked your interest in cosplay?

Too be honest, Halloween. It is my favorite holiday because I get to be creative and dress up! I’ve always made or put together my own Halloween  costumes. My Dad was a huge influence for this. Both my parents were huge supporters when it came to using my creativity. When I started noticing the cosplay scene grow more while attending conventions, I decided I’d give it a shot. The first time I ever cosplayed was when I was a Sophomore in High School at FanimeCon. Though, I didn’t start getting into it until 2012 when I wanted to cosplay Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead at San Diego Comic Con.

Cosplay of Daryl Dixon.

Cosplay of Daryl Dixon.

 2.) What has been your favorite character to cosplay?

Hands down, Ygritte from Game of Thrones. I’ve received such positive feedback all over from it. I debuted it at Comikaze in LA back in 2013. Since then I have added onto it with more details. It maybe warm underneath all of the furs, but it is so comfortable and just so much fun running around like a wildling.

Cosplay of Ygritte from Game of Thrones

Cosplay of Ygritte from Game of Thrones

3.) What would be your dream cosplay?

7 from the 2009 film, “9”!


4.) What has been the most difficult cosplay for you and why?

Definitely my Judge Death cosplay, which I have only worn once. I really need to improve it and make it a bit more comfortable to wear. I had a welt on my forehead for three days after wearing the helmet! Plus, it was one of my first experiences with working with Worbla.

Cosplay from Mad Max: Fury Road.

Cosplay from Mad Max: Fury Road.

5.) If you could reenact any scene in cosplay from any fandom, what would it be?

There are so many! Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers, Gimli and Legolas killing orcs and counting them during the battle of Helm’s Deep. Oh and of course the scene in Star Wars Episode IV where Luke and Leia swing to safety while aboard the Deathstar.


6.) You cosplay a lot of different fandoms.  Which character (if any) would you say you relate to the most and why?

Gosh, every character I try to portray, male or female, is a character I relate too in some sort of way. Even if it’s just something minuscule, like red hair or being a closet sweetheart. I seem to be drawn more to characters that have smaller roles in television/book/film. Probably because I myself don’t feel confident enough to portray a “lead role”.  However, this is something I am learning to overcome and also goes hand-in-hand with the advice I’d give to new cosplayers. 



7.) If you could hang out with any character from any fandom, which character would you like to hang out with and why?

Fred & George Weasley. I know that is two characters(if you don’t count dead Fred)! I think the Harry Potter Universe would be safer than many. Haha. I’d pick Fred & George Weasley because they are just a riot and I would love to run around Hogwarts with them pulling pranks and stuffing my face with pumpkin pasties.


8.) You’ve been to a few conventions in cosplay.  What has been your most memorable convention moment?

That is a tough one. I have many fond memories meeting other cosplayers and getting recognition on my costumes. I think meeting Michael Rooker when I was dressed as Daryl Dixon at Comikaze in 2013 was pretty fantastic. He wouldn’t stop giving me hugs and had said, “Damn, Daryl keeps getting better looking every time I see him.” I pretty much cried with laughter at that. 


9.) What advice would you give to people who are just starting out or getting back into cosplay?

Two of the best pieces of advice I’d give to newbies or folks getting back into cosplay is don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Part of learning a new skill set and/or technique is trial and error. Not to mention, time. I’ve made so many mistakes, but the key is to not give up. You will get there, especially if you set goals. There are so many good resources out there nowadays that you can get ideas from too. Talking to other cosplayers is also a big help in learning new skills. My second piece of advice is important. Like many people say, cosplay is for everyone. Cosplay whoever and whatever you like. It’s all about having fun! Try not to get intimidated by not looking like said character; make it your own! What should matter most is your love and passion for said character. 



Thank you Hannah for this interview.  Please make sure to check out and follow her on instagram:

@Celtic Zombie

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