Cosplay Friday Highlight


Here at BGeekyblog, we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone. So with that ideal, we are excited to expand out highlights to the cosplay community, this Friday we highlight, Skyelar. 

1. What sparked your interest in cosplay?

I’ve been drawn to theatre and costuming my whole life. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday and when I was a kid, I crafted my own costumes as soon as I was able.  They were shoddy, but I had heart and I learned a lot.

Years later, I found out that there were entire conventions that not only accepted, but encouraged costuming, with photoshoots, contests and prizes. I started going to Anime conventions in 2003 and I’ve branched out to every facet of fandom events ever since.


I’ve been on every side of cosplay from performing in skits, to craftsmanship competitions and even judging and hosting contests. It’s been a wild ride, but a seriously brilliant experience.


2. What has been your favorite character to cosplay?

This question is like picking favorites between my own kids.  It’s tough, but if I had to pick I’d say the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. 

I’m really proud of the construction and draping of the coat, it’s super comfy to wear, I get to dash around like a madman on a mission and it always gets a great reaction regardless of the event I’m at.

Also, it’s an excuse for ridiculous eyebrow wagging, and honestly what’s not to like about that?


3. What would be your dream cosplay be?

This question has evolved over the years a bit, but I’ve always really wanted to do a super accurate Automail Arm for Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist. I’ve made and remade the costume and I’m pretty happy with it, but I’m still missing his prosthetic arm. It’s my favorite anime of all time, and I’ve always been daunted by armor projects, so I’m determined to one day do it justice.

4. What has been the most difficult cosplay for you and why?


Joffrey was a recent challenge, simply because it was difficult to find accurate looking fabric for the ‘Game Of Thrones’ Universe. There were some technicalities I had to be mindful of in the draping and fit of it as well, so I learned a lot working on him. He’s an awful character that dresses well, which is honestly what drew me to the costume. He’s always fun to pull off at events since people absolutely love to hate him. 

5. If you could reenact any scene, be it from Teen Wolf or anything else, what would it be?

I’m going for Teen Wolf, since it’s the show that’s currently destroying me emotionally right now. I have two scenes tied. It’s a tough call, but I think they say everything about what I love in this show. 

Either the scene in ‘Motel California’ when Stiles is talking down Scott from the flare and gasolene. Breaks me up every time.

Or, the first time Scott really sees the Nogitsune, in Deaton’s office. With the Katana twisting. I’m a terrible person and yes, it keeps me up at night. 


6. If you could hang out with any character (from any form of media be it television, movies, books,anime, games, etc), who would it be?

This is a tough question. So naturally, I’m going to cheat and pick two. The Tenth Doctor. He’s just a super swag guy and I’m sure that if we met, I’d be his next companion. So I’m looking for a new career in time and space travel. Just putting that out there.

 And Stiles Stilinski. Because Stiles. We’d gripe and snark and laugh together, swap stories of our struggles with mental illness, but inevitably end up taking the world by storm.


7. What advice would you give to those who are starting out in cosplay?

– Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can or can not cosplay. Gender, body type, race. There are no limits.

– It’s okay to be ambitious and try something. You might surprise yourself by what you’re capable of. 

Or you’ll mess up and you’ll learn and that’s just as important. 

– Do it for yourself first. Don’t do it for the likes or the online love, because it’ll never be enough if you don’t love you. 

– Be passionate and be proud of it. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Be bold. You never know who you’ll meet or where you’ll end up. I’ve met many lifelong friends through cosplay and it’s been the origin of my current career. 

Don’t underestimate the power of fandom.

– Have fun. If it starts feeling like more work that play, you’re doing it wrong. It’s called cos-PLAY for a reason.


Social Media contacts as follows:

Twitter: skyelarshea

Instagram: skyelarshea

Tumblr: sparkignites

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