Cosplay Friday Highlight: Soylentcosplay_jen

Photo credit for picture in banner: @sarahhallphotos

Here at Bgeekyblog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  With that ideal, we are excited to expand our highlights to the cosplay community.  We are excited to highlight Soylentcosplay_jen!

1.) What sparked your interest in cosplay?

I’ve been asked this a lot, and I’m probably in a very small minority of people who can say that I’m honestly not too sure! I think there was something about the atmosphere of conventions and the opportunity to fully become another person that I really gravitated towards. But honestly my first cosplay was actually a project when I was in high school, so maybe it was just a fun way to ‘pretend’ I was learning!

Photo credit: #crookedlinephotographics

2.) What has been your favourite character to cosplay?

​My favourite character to cosplay so far is probably my Qunari Inquisitor from Dragon Age Inquisition. It was fun to have some freedom when I was making the character and I really enjoy the horns and the makeup. Plus I get to be tall!

Photo credit: @larkvisuals

3.) What would be your dream cosplay?

​My dream cosplay would be Kerrigan from Starcraft because who wouldn’t want to be that badass while rocking insect bone wings? It would be phenomenal. 

Photo credit: @timothysouter

4.) What has been the most difficult cosplay for you and why?

​My most difficult cosplay is probably my Liara T’Soni. She was one of my first ‘big’ projects I took on so it was a very steep learning curve. Plus I had no idea about SFX makeup back when I first did her. She’s a lot easier now, but she still takes the longest time in the morning to get into.

Photo credit: @beethyphotography

5.) If you could reenact any scene in cosplay from any fandom, what would it be?

​It’s probably a tie between the scene when Ciri and Geralt are reunited in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and the scene in Teen Titans when Robin is working for Slade and can’t bring himself to shoot Starfire.

(Yeah, a bit random I know haha)

Photo credit: @andrewcookphotography


Photo credit: @xenioxphoto

6.) You cosplay a lot of different fandoms.  Which character (if any) would you say you relate to the most and why?

​Out of who I’ve cosplayed, probably Ciri from The Witcher. She’s pretty carefree and loves her family, and she’s a bit scary when she’s mad.

Photo credit: @ganjaninjag

7.) If you could hang out with any character from any fandom, which character would you like to hang out with and why?

​Probably Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect.

Photo credit: @volkphotographyy

8.) You’ve been to quite a few conventions in cosplay.  What has been your most memorable convention moment?

​When I got to meet Jennifer Hale (VA for Female Shepard) as Liara T’Soni. A close second was meeting Mark Meer (VA for Male Shepard) as Liara – and I got a photo too!

9.) You have incredible makeup and prosthetics that allow you to transform into beloved characters.  How long does it take you to make these transformations and what is your process?  

​​On the morning of a convention, I usually give myself around 3 hours to do ay  prosthetic makeup, and another 45 to get into costume. For someone like Liara, I’ll start with gluing down and blending in the headpiece (which on it’s own takes about an hour), then from there I cover my eyebrows, paint my face and the rest is honestly mostly beauty makeup, just in a different skin tone!

Photo credit: @charmainemorganphotog


Photo credit: @xenioxphoto

10.) From Mass Effect to the Witcher, you are a definite fan of video games.  What upcoming video game(s) are you excited to play and cosplay?

​I’m a huge Kingdom Hearts fan.  So I’m very excited that they are finally going to release it soon. I’m also looking forward to playing Anthem. I’m not sure I’ll be cosplaying from either of those, but I do have cosplays from Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn and Overwatch on my list!

Photo credit: @ehuaphotography

11.) What advice would you give to people who are just starting out or getting back into cosplay?

​Don’t be afraid to just jump in a try it! watching from the outside can feel really daunting, so it’s best just to take the plunge and give it your best go! I can guarantee that you’ll meet some of the best and most creative people through this hobby.

Photo credit: @fluffyltd

Thank you Soylentcosplay_jen for doing this highlight with us.  Please be sure to like and follow her on social media:

@soylentcosplay_jen on Instagram

Soylentcosplay on Ko-fi

Twitch: Soylentplay

And all credited photographers are credited by their instagram handles, so please go check them out as well!

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