Cosplay Friday Highlight:


Here at Bgeekyblog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  With that ideal, we are excited to expand our highlights to the cosplay community.  We are excited to highlight the awesome Rennpire.

1.) What sparked your interest in cosplay?

I was already in love with the world of mangas, comics and anime by the age of 9. It made my childhood more colorful.  I enjoyed all these different characters and worlds in so many different types of settings.  Then at 15, a friend told me about a hobby where people dressed up as their favourite characters at events just for it. We went to one to experience what it was like and I  just never stopped going since!

Photo Credit: Bladedancer

2.) What has been your favorite character to cosplay?

Oh man this is a hard one.  There’s always love for every cosplay I have ever done, but I would have to say Fujiwara no Sai from Hikaru no Go!  He’s still a personal favourite.

Photo Credit: I AM NIK

3.) What would be your dream cosplay?

One Winged Angel Sephiroth from Final Fantasy.  It will definitely be a challenge in itself.

One winged Sephiroth

4.) What has been the most difficult cosplay for you and why?

Sakura from CardCaptor Sakura. Even until now I have difficult and conflicting feelings when I remember it. I’ve generally always preferred cosplaying more active and strong characters. So I always get a discomfort when I cosplay delicate or adorable characters, because for me, they are a bit harder to portray.  However, I loved CCS so much! I am very much a girl at heart when it comes to all my favourite Magical Girl Series!

Photo Credit: Bladedancer.

5.) If you could reenact any scene in cosplay from any fandom, what would it be?

Thranduil from The Hobbit. Oh yes, definitely the part where he walks up to his throne and sits with such style.  I DEFINITELY need to do that, haha!

Photo Credit: FoxFoo Photography

6.) You cosplay a lot of different fandoms.  Which character (if any) would you say you relate to the most and why?

Portgas D Ace from One Piece. Being an elder sibling myself I always worry about the antics of my younger siblings.  He was the epitome of courage, determination, beauty and strength for me.  All the sadness and troubles he carried deep inside him, yet being able to smile so widely.  Rather than relate, maybe I hold him as a guide of what I want to become.

Portgas D Ace from One Piece

7.) If you could hang out with any character from any fandom, which character would you like to hang out with and why?

Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. I think I would need him to make sure I remember to lighten up and have fun despite it all!  I forget about fun so often.  And he could give me snow days! I live in a tropical country.   The idea of snow is still a magical idea for me.

Photo credit: Wenz05

8.) You’ve been to a few conventions in cosplay.  What has been your most memorable convention moment?

Here at home, it has to be the first event I ever cosplayed to, EOY 2007!  But I’ve always enjoyed every convention I went to.  However, I think I’ve always enjoyed going to conventions overseas the most, to see and experience the different events and activities there are!   Especially since I love to travel, I hope I’ll get opportunities to visit more cons in the future!

Photo Credit: Fjwrhimi

9.) What advice would you give to people who are just starting out or getting back into cosplay?

I believe there’s really only one thing you need to keep whilst being in this hobby.  Forget popularity, skill, competition and looks for a minute. Keep that simple joy you feel from finally completing the costume of your favourite character that you have been working on. As long you feel happy from what you are doing and making and wearing, provided it doesn’t hurt anyone of course, then I think that’s all you need.

And if you’re new and not sure where to start out, I’m sure there are other cosplayers around or online that are always willing to help or advice with any difficulties as long as you approach and ask them nicely.   Don’t be afraid!   In the end, we’re all here in this hobby with the mutual love for things in common!

Photo Credit: Xeno Photography

10.) Rivendell, Lothlorien or Gondolin?  Which of these Elven cities would you visit if you could and why?

Why is there no Greenwood for a choice?  I would have gone straight for that option!! Haha! Honestly though, Gondolin.  I would have loved to visit the Hidden Elven City whilst it still stood. The lure of its mystery is something no one could resist, I think.  Also, imagine to have been able to visit it whilst the great older elves of Noldor dwelled in it!!  To see Turgon, Glorfindel and Ecthelion, I think I’m getting stars in my eyes now dreaming of it.

Photo Credit: FoxFoo Photography

11.) If you could name an anime and it’s main character, what would be their names?

Anime series: My owner is Annoying.

Main character: Cyfer

It would be an anime about my cat, Cyfer Lee, that I annoy on a daily basis and how he despairs about me haha!

Photo Credit: Songster69

Thank you Rennpire for doing this highlight with us.  Be sure to check out and follow her on her social media:

Rennpire on Facebook


rennpire at world



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