Capitan America Civil War: Reigns Over the Box Office


The long awaited release of Capitan America opened in the United States with record numbers at the box office. Expecting to break $200 million at the box office domestically, the movie is already well over that number in foreign box office, estimating $291 million in revenue. Captain America Civil War released a week before the franchise’s debut on May 6, 2016 in the United States, creating a buzz for eager fans to rush the theaters over the week, in hopes of avoiding any further spoilers. Overall, we found the movie highly entertaining and the best series installment. Captain America Civil War held a compelling storyline, while keeping you on the edge of your seat with thrilling action scenes. Here is our thoughts about the movie and overall review.



The hero of America, Captain America, continues to be a voice of reason for The Avengers after the organization comes under fire from recent attacks (New York City, Washington D.C, Sokovia and Wakanda) resulting in innocent casualties. The United Nations is looking to place laws and regulations on The Avengers in hopes to end the casualties from the attacks.


This struggle is seen through certain members of The Avengers, mainly between Tony Stark (Ironman) and Steve Rogers (Captain America).  Tony Stark wants to sign the Sokovia Accords approved by 117 countries of the United Nations, which will allow the United Nations to limit and control the Avengers.  Steve Rogers does not like the idea of a group of bureaucrats deciding what the Avengers should do.  Captain America is afraid that the Avengers may be used for personal agendas versus the common good of everyone. Their difference begins a small rift amongst the group of heroes, but not until the bombing at the United Nations during the signing of the Sokovia Accords does this rift grow into two very definite sides. The President of Wakanda is killed by bombing and his son T’Challa holds his father’s dead body in his arms.


T’Challa is going through the revenge stage of his grief after he learns that Bucky, “The Winter Soldier,” is the one at fault for the bombing. T’Challa seeks to kill Bucky himself for his father’s death, taking on not only the passing of royal obligations, but becoming the Black Panther. Bucky was, ultimately, framed for the bombing as viewers learn in the purpose of flushing him out of hiding and triggering his brain washing through phrases that turn him into “The Winter Solider.” There is the immediate for Steve Rogers to protect his best friend and one the franchises fan favorite, Bucky. Captain American goes against S.H.I.E.L.D, his friends and teammates of The Avengers to protect Bucky. This, ultimately, creates a large divide in The Avengers, causing members to pick sides and fight one another.

Sure we all had our favorites and we were definitely Team Cap going into the film, but it was hard to see our favorites battling out against another. However, there were humorous touches thanks to Antman and teenage Spider-Man to lighten the scenes. We will say that Tom Holland did a great job of bringing 15 year old Spider-Man to life reaching fans expectations from a very popular franchise. If there was one critique from the scene that introduced Spider-Man to the audience, it was the age of Aunt May sitting on the couch with Tony Stark in a nonchalant manner. She seemed too young, almost looking like Peter’s young hot mother. All in all we loved Peter’s interactions with Tony Stark and the fun idea that Tony upgraded Peter’s “Onesie” to a more suitable superhero suit.


Notable Moments: 

  • The farewell to Peggy Carter, you can’t help but think of what could have been for Steve and Peggy. The scene with Steven carrying her casket got some of the crowd a little choked up. Peggy Carter definitely paved the way for S.H.I.E.L.D and showing that a woman can be strong female heroine.
  • Where was Nick Fury? We couldn’t help but think that throughout the movie especially when the United Nations dropped the Sokovia Accords onto The Avengers to sign.  Somewhere I was expecting a sarcastic comment from Nick Fury to fill the tension in the room.
  • Pepper Potts and Tony Stark taking a “break” from one another. Clearly, we saw Tony Stark’s emotions to being away from her, but we hoped there would have been an appearance from her. Maybe perhaps in the next Avengers installment.

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