Arrow Episode 4×12 Recap: Unchained


Arrow is reunited with a past team member, familiar faces return, Thea Queen fights for her life,  Felicity continues to struggle with her condition and we meet “The Calculator.”


Return of a Familiar Face


Roy Harper returns to Star City to help take down “The Calculator”. Roy was implanted with a camera in his eye by “The Calculator” to retrieve weapons and technology that Team Arrow believes will take down the internet. Later we find out that “The Calculator” is planning to take down the city. Roy Harper was black mailed by “The Calculator” to help retrieve items needed. Roy agreed to help “The Calculator” to protect Arrow’s (Oliver Queen’s) identity. Felicity discovered the slight flare in his eye to inform Arrow that Roy was not himself.

After Roy was hit by an arrow, the Team takes him back to the new lair. Roy has the camera lens removed from his eye and is returned to himself. We are happy to see the Arsenal suit up again with Team Arrow and, for fans of the television series, were happy to see the original four be reunited.  There was also another bitter sweet reunion between Thea Queen (Speedy) and Roy Harper (Arsenal).

But just as quickly as Arsenal returns, he leaves after a blazing exit of taking down the device to destroy Star City. However, this may not be the last time we see Roy Harper (Arsenal). Arrow writers have teased that Roy may appear once more in episodes to come.

A Smoak Family Affair


In a shocking reveal to fans, we find out that “The Calculator” is Felicity’s father. Throughout the episode, we witnessed the test of wit between Felicity Smoak and “The Calculator.” Their showdown was seen behind computer screens, with audio enhanced voice boxes until Felicity once again out smarted the bad guy. At the end of the episode, Felicity gives a speech about new technology for Ray Enterprises. While Oliver cheers Felicity’s press announcement, we see “The Calculator” sitting beside Oliver. Later on Felicity is confronted by “The Calculator”, but is unaware of his role.  She looks surprised to see him and says, “Dad.”


Thea Queen

Thea Queen faints during a mission with Team Arrow after a failed attempt to take down a burglar. Oliver is quick to discover that Thea has not given into the bloodlust, and the temporary relief she received from Darhk has worn off. Malcom Merlyn returns to Star City after the news of her looming condition. Malcom reveals to Oliver that if Thea does not give into the bloodlust, she will be consumed by the affects of the Lazarus Pit and die. arrow412_01715

Thea decided to allow the Lazarus Pit to take her life, rather then take another’s. Oliver feels the weight of the world on his shoulders and continues to believe that this is his fault. Oliver is presented with an alternative to save Thea’s life by Nyssa. Nyssa informs Oliver that she can counteract the effects of the Lazarus Pit to save Thea, if he kills Malcom Merlyn.

Sure this is a simple solution to the problem, Malcom has over stayed his welcome and is the cause to Sara’s death along with others. However, we have a feeling Oliver won’t be the one to take up Nyssa’s offer; if Malcom is to die it would be by the hands of Nyssa after she has escaped from prison in Nanda Parbat.

Promo For 4×13

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