Anime Highlight: The Future Diary


This anime highlight is going to be about the Future Diary or otherwise known as Mirai Nikki.  This is a fair warning for all you anime lovers out there, this anime is NOT for children (or for the faint hearted).  It is bloody, violent, and has situations in it that can make even an adult uncomfortable.  You have been warned.

Moving forward, I do love my dark animes, and the Future Diary definitely does not disappoint in this department.  The Future Diary focuses on two teenage kids, Yuki and Yuno.  Yuki is given a future diary on his phone by the “God of Time and Space” (whom he just thought was his imaginary friend).  His future diary allows him to see the future as an omnipotent viewer in that he sees what will happen around him, but not about him.  At this point, Yuki thinks he is set for life as he will always be one step ahead of everyone, but then he meets Yuno.

Yuno, who is a fellow classmate and secret stalker, also has a future diary, but, unlike Yuki’s omnipotent one, Yuno’s chronicles every move that Yuki will make.  And she is not the only one.  It seems the God of Time and Space gave eleven other people future diaries which all tell them the future in different ways (each diary is tailored to the person).  The reason for this: the God of Time and Space is dying and searching for his next successor.  If he does not get a successor, the apocalypse will ensue.  So what does he do?  He creates a game (with the help of another diary user) in which future diary users have to take each other out, and whoever is left standing becomes the next god of time and space.

Deus Ex Machina, God of Time and Space

Deus Ex Machina, God of Time and Space

Things quickly spiral out of control for Yuki as he is the first to be hunted by serial killer who was given a future diary, and who is using it to try and sniff out other future diary users to kill them.  With Yuno’s help (and diary), he manages to take out the serial killer and his diary, making Yuki the first diary user to take out an opponent.  After a collective meeting where all the diary users are brought together by the lord of time and space (though they can’t see each other’s faces) in order to explain the rules of the game, Yuki immediately has a huge bulls eye on his back, and that is how it all starts.

This story is fast paced, intriguing, messed up (in so many different ways), and keeps you on your toes.  Yuki comes to realize that he needs Yuno’s help, and Yuno, who is in love with Yuki, will do anything to protect him, but here is the conundrum: if she is a future diary user what happens if they are the last two standing?  She says she will allow him to kill her, but this is coming from a girl he never knew liked him, and who has been secretly stalking him.  That is not the most trustworthy person to stake your life on.

Yuno Gasai


If there was ever a picture next to the word yandere, Yuno’s would be it.  A yandere is a term for a character who is obsessed with another character, and can show this obsession in violent ways.  In her case, think single white female, but worse.  Yuno is definitely the epitome of this. Her obsession with Yuki and protecting Yuki is scary and sometimes downright creepy.  And she is definitely lethal.  Yuno has no problem or moral dilemma in using sharp weapons and guns to take someone out especially if they threaten Yuki, and she is really good at using both.


Most people will probably be intrigued with Yuno because you know that there is something mysterious and unknown about her story that makes her this strong and this obsessed, but they will also be completely horrified by her as well.  She definitely makes for an interesting character to watch, but I will admit that even I got unnerved with her and some of the things she was capable of doing.  There were times that I thought that she may legitimately be insane.

Yuki Amano


There were times where I got a little frustrated with Yuki because I felt as if he relied of Yuno to save him too much, but Yuki does get stronger and more clever especially near the end.  I think there relationship is weird, messed up and at times endearing.  Yuki pales in comparison to Yuno’s character, but I think he does grow quite clever and he is the only one who can truly control Yuno.  Yuki learns how to work with Yuno, but he also learns how to control her more psychotic urges.  That is not to say that he controls her completely.  Yuno can still be a wild card.

I think what I liked the most about this one was the clever twist and turns in this story line.  It definitely will put your mind through a loop as time is involved in this.  The other characters back stories and motivations are well done, and adds greatly to the story telling especially 9th future diary owner, Minene Uryu, and the boy detective, Aru Akise, who discovers some shocking things about Yuno’s past.

Be prepared for some messed up situations and bloody confrontations as this anime has quite a few in it.  Yuno and other characters do things and have things done to them that are down right wrong.  Definitely watch it to the very end and be sure to watch the epilogue OVA called The Future Diary Redial as it has one of the most satisfactory and well done endings I have seen.  If you are not faint hearted then definitely check out The Future Diary.



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