Anime Highlight: Ajin: Demi-Human


Recently, I came across this anime on Netflix.  Like Knights of Sidonia, it is a Netflix original which immediately drew my attention.  Working in a bookstore, I had also noticed an increase sale in this manga series which peaked my interest in it as well.  So looking for a new anime to try out, I tuned in, and was pleasantly surprised by it.  This anime highlight is going to focus on Ajin: Demi-Human anime versus the manga by the same title by Gamon Sakurai (as I have yet to read the manga series).

The story focuses on the main character Kei Nagai, a seemingly normal high school student until, one day, he is hit by a truck and dies, but immediately comes back to life.  It is at this point that he realizes that he is an Ajin, a rare human who is immortal and can never die no matter how cruel they are killed.  There are very few in the world, but they are hunted down to be experimented on.  As there were several witnesses to the accident and his revival, Kei becomes hunted, and goes on the run with his friend Kaito, who helps him escape the authorities and every person out there that is trying to collect the million dollar reward put on his head.  Along with never being able to die, an Ajin (or most it seems) can summon and control a black ghost creature also known as a IBM (Invisible Black Matter)  which can do some real lethal damage.

Ajin’s are hunted down for cruel experiments and used as weapons by the different countries.  In Japan the Ajin Control Commission hunt down Ajins in order to learn what exactly they are and how they come about as no one knows they are an Ajin until they die and resurrect. One of the main agents that is after him, Yu Tosaki, works along a Ajin which is his partner, Izumi Shimomura, as they hunt down answers and Ajins.


And then there is Sato, a very strong and much older Ajin and, might I say, a badass.  Sato starts the story as an ally to Kei, but later becomes an enemy as he plans to take down those who have hunted and experimented on Ajins (but really does it because he loves to kill).


What I really liked about the story is how original the idea of the Ajin is.  Sure there are creatures that can resurrect and are immortal (vampires, mummies, etc), but none quite like this, and anybody can be an Ajin as you don’t know you are one until you die.  This adds a great mysterious factor to the story which makes you want to watch or read on (if you’re following the manga series).  You want to know how and why they came about, and if they have always been around or if this has become a more recent occurrence.  It also makes you wonder what more they can do, and if their powers can change and adapt.  The IBM’s themselves show signs of having a bit of a personality as Kei’s Black Ghost sometimes doesn’t like to take orders from him.


Cover art of first manga.  Written and Illustrated by Gamon Sakurai.

I found it interesting that Kei Nagai, though he is the main character, can come off cold and unlikeable at times, which makes me intrigued with his character as Sato also seems cold.  Is this an inherent trait to all Ajin?  I think not as one of the most human characters that feels deeply is an Ajin and that is Izumi Shimomura.  And sometimes the humans seem less human than the Ajin as seen in some of the cold behavior exhibited by Yu Tosaki.

I like the progression of the story with hints to what has happened in the past, like the Shinya Nakamura incident, as well as the character development.  Kei is not my favorite character as he only seems to think of himself and is a little too clinical to be normal (sociopath maybe), but I still find myself intrigued by him in that I do feel as if there may be some hidden emotion in him (like his reaction to what was happening to his friend Kaito because he helped him escape).

And though I am not a huge fan of the animation as it looks at times too computer generated, I still liked that Netflix took the chance and put this out there. I also liked the soundtrack and the art work on the IBM’s are super cool.

So if you want to check out an action packed, dark anime check out Ajin:Demi-Human on Netflix.



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