Teen Wolf: 6×12 “Said the Spider to the Fly” Thoughts and Highlights

Teen Wolf is back for the final 10 episodes of the hit MTV series. It leaves everyone caught in a web of emotions with some unexpected exits and entrances from what could be the most squeamish season yet. Here are my thoughts and highlights from episode 12, “Said the Spider to the Fly.”


No Place Like Beacon Hills

Our favorite Alpha and heroines (Scott McCall, Lydia Martin and Malia Hale) are planning their exit from the supernatural town of Beacon Hills. However, something is keeping them there. From the circle of dead spider infested wolves to the rat infestation at Beacon Hills High School, trouble is brewing in Beacon Hills and fear is on the menu.

Liam continues his attempt to fill the Alpha shoes of Scott McCall.  The the beta pup finds the task a little more than he can bear.  With the recent departure of his girlfriend, Hayden Romero, Liam struggles with change and the pack moving on, especially with his Alpha Scott’s eminent move to college at UC Davis.

My favorite line from the episode was a moment shared between Liam and Mason after taking on a Hellhound. “Wounds heal, people move, things change.” -Mason Hewitt. “Yeah but it still hurts.” -Liam Dunbar. I like the writing of this scene.  It brought a true human emotion. The show being about supernatural creatures can sometimes come across over the top with an unrealistic high school undertone. Liam fears change that is coming ahead, something we saw in 6a with Stiles Stilinski. Stiles feared graduating and losing touch with his friends. This same fear resonates with Liam as he will lose his sense of family and protection when Scott, Lydia, and Malia leave.

There was one character that seemed to enjoy being away from Beacon Hills, Stiles Sitlinski. Everyones favorite sarcastic human hero has found his calling as an FBI agent in training in Quantico. He leaves an enthused message for his best friend, Scott, with a heavy instruction to get out of Beacon Hills. Something that will not be happening anytime soon thanks to the “thing” they let out after defeating The Ghost Riders.

Stiles sits in on a debriefing session during his FBI training. He has not lost his eager to learn spirit as he sets up his desk with FBI memorabilia. Only to spit out a mouth full of water when he sees a familiar face on the screen, Derek Hale. Stiles learns that Derek is on the FBI Most Wanted list for mass murder. Looks like Stiles will have his own trouble to deal with in the field.


Personal Thoughts 

  • I really enjoyed the nods to Stiles Stilinski being around in the episode: from Mason using Stiles’s trusty “side-kick” metal baseball bat to fight off the hellhound to the notes left for Scott in Roscoe the Jeep saying “Be Careful.” Even to the small putter of Roscoe breaking down, Stiles was felt throughout this episode even though he will not play a major part in the season.
  • Lydia continues to be in tune with her Banshee abilities. She has a vision of Beacon Hills High School covered with spider webs. With a touch of her hand she can hear growls and screams. Lastly one creepy voice that warns her of what has been let out. What the pack let out after defeating The Wild Hunt remains a mystery at this time. However, Lydia and Scott understand that there will be a price to pay for what they did to save Stiles. Lydia is hesitant about bringing Stiles back to Beacon Hills let alone tell her boyfriend what is going on. Lydia fears that she will lose Stiles again if he comes back. Could this be a warning of things to come as we know Stiles does eventually come back to Beacon Hills? Lydia knows something big must be payed after their experience with the nemeton. This is alluding to the death of Allison Argent, her life was taken due to the pack partaking of a nemeton ritual to save their parents back in Season 3.  I get the feeling a fan favorite will be killed off by the end of the series to pay a debt for what they unleashed.
  • Hellhounds will play a vital role this season and I am liking this new hellhound. He knows how to fight and is a “hell” of a lot scarier than his Parrish counterpart. This new hellhound is on the hunt for the creature that was unleashed and will not stop his reign of fire until he finds the creature he is looking for. Lydia also acknowledges the importance of this hellhound into finding the creature that she heard in her web vision. The creature could be the creepy new kid Nolan or perhaps the hellhound is not looking for the creature that was released, but maybe someone to take back to hell with him as debt of payment to bring back supernatural order.

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