Shadowhunters: Death To Us All

Shadowhunters may have diverged from the widely popular book series killing off a beloved character. What will this mean for the show and the fans? We weigh in on tonights shocking episode, “Day of Wrath”

***Contains Major Spoilers. Read are your own discretion***

A Shadowhunter Has Fallen

Writers and producers of the hit series Shadowhunters may have caused one of the biggest uproars in television history. In tonight’s episode a main character to the book series falls after Valentine sends a demon into institute as a diversion to steal the soul and sway Jace to rejoin his army.

However, that was the least of the problems in this episode.  After the demon hops into Alec’s body and kills Jocelyn Fray, Clary finds a confused and post possessed Alec with blood on his hands next to her room. Following the bloody foot print she is lead to her mother’s body with her heart ripped from her chest. The confirmation of her death is seen by Clary and Alec in a surveillance video. Alec knows that there are no words to comfort her nor did she need any to know that she needed to kill the demon herself.

Clary and Alec find a possessed Isabelle in their mist. Quickly they try to fight her off. Alec reminds Clary that Isabelle is still inside her body now taken over by the demon. Just as the demon is about to kill Alec, Clary comes to the rescue and frees Isabel from the demon which allows her to send the demon straight back to hell.

Defeating the demon should have brought Clary some closure. Yet she feels the emptiness of losing her mother, and that nothing can bring her mother back. She was the mother who Clary fought all of season 1 to get back from Valentine as she is stuck in her “sleeping beauty” like sleep.  She then found herself fighting with her mother about the secret life of the shadowhunter world and family. Just when mother and daughter began to reconnect, Jocelyn is killed. This left unanswered questions and moments that the two had left to share not to mention the role Jocelyn played in the book series and all the missed opportunities of  her character’s arc.

Show producers spoke in an interview with TV Guide, “For the executive producers, Jocelyn’s death felt necessary to raise the stakes and to be able to move the core cast forward.” Can’t say we agree with the producers choice to kill a beloved character of the book series along with Hodge in one episode. But there is a possibility that they will bring Jocelyn back or have a twist up their sleeve.

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