Arrow Recap Episode 4×17: “Beacon of Hope”


Team Arrow tries to reassemble after the loss of their star player, Felicity Smoak. Oliver has some underlining anger from his recent break up with Felicity and struggles with being the Arrow. A new Queen B reigns terror on Palmer Technologies and our favorites are once again thrown into some sticky situations. Here is what we thought about episode 17 and speculations leading up to the fateful finale. 


Brie Larvan Buzzs to Star City 

Brie Larvan is back after breaking out of Iron Heights and making her way to Star City to seek out Felicity Smoak. Brie, as some fans already know, was the villain introduced in The Flash last season. She swarms in on a meeting for Palmer Technologies, knowing Felicity is the only one with the prototype. You’re probably wondering, what would Brie Larvan want with the chip? She has a tumor on her vertebra, and surgery to remove it would leave her paralyzed. Despite Felicity giving her the blue print for the chip, she learns of the coding of the hacker [Felicity] that put her prison.  She is taken down after Curtis is able to re-hack the bees and uses her own swarm against her.


Oliver Queen

Oliver is struggling with the post break up with Felicity, and has been pushing his team into training. After Star City has grown quiet after the imprisonment of Damien Dark, he has focused his attention on his fellow vigilantes to keep himself busy. However, Star City stirred up some trouble quickly when Brie Larvan makes her debut.

Knowing that Felicity’s life is in danger, he quickly suits up.  After a slight distraction and delay, he makes his way to Palmer Technologies, and is surprised by the reveal of ‘Bee Man’ that in front of the team. Oliver is hit by the robotic bees and finds out that one in implemented into his body and looks to be replicating himself. The team tries Black Canary’s sonic scream in hopes to lure out the bee.

Oliver is filled with anger by everything he lost by being The Arrow, and why he came back to being a vigilante. He verbally smacks down an over excited Curtis after having his life saved. Laurel seems to be his back bone and voice of reason this episode. She reminds Oliver to be a ‘Beacon of Hope’  a slogan used throughout this episode heavily.


Felicity Smoak

“She’s not Voldermort” Oliver references when Team Arrow talks about the elephant in the room, Felicity Smoak (who recently left the team of vigilantes). Felicity is busy with Palmer Technologies, and their new hot product on the health care part the chip implanted that has allowed Felicity to regain her ability to walk.  Wanting to save Thea, her mother and team, she stays within the building.

Using her brilliant mind, she is able to come up with a plan to out wit Brie and save those she cares about. She uses the secret elevator that used to store the old Team Arrow lair, and explodes into the conferance room to save her mother and employees. However, she turns herself in and has Thea by her side as they face Queen Bee herself, Brie Larvan.  Despite Thea’s pleads for Felicity to return back to the team, Felicity continues to fight herself and stubbornness.



After being sent home early from work by Felicity Smoak, Curtis watches helplessly on the news of Palmer Technologies being held captive by a bee hive. He uses the cell phone that tracked down and saved Ray Palmer in hopes to save Felicity Smoak. The phone leads him to the lair of Arrow, where Curtis is greeted by Oliver (Arrow), Laurel (Black Canary), Diggle and Officer Lance. His reaction to the surprise introduction to Team Arrow was priceless and realistic to anyone jumping in.

Curtis takes his place at Felicity’s old place and quickly becomes the newest addition to Team Arrow. The shot of him sitting in Felicity’s chair made us a little all a little sad and a little bittersweet about it all. He quickly gets his first lash out from Oliver and will be able to tell the tale, after Oliver apologies to him and thanks him for his work.

Things To Keep In Mind

  • John Diggle’s brother looks to still be in cahoots with Damien Dark, being called “his [Damien Darhk’s] ace in the hole” by Malcolm Merlyn. We had a feeling that he would betray his own brother and, as we get closer to the season 4 finale, time will tell who’s name is on that eluding tombstone.

Promo For Next Weeks Episode:

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