Cosplay Friday Highlight:


Here at Bgeekyblog we have grown to appreciate the community of cosplay. There is something special about the cosplaying community that deserves more recognition for their craft. Countless hours and hard work go into the details of bringing to life beloved characters. Your gender, physical appearance or age should never hinder you from your passion to cosplay. Cosplay is for everyone.  With that ideal, we are excited to expand our highlights to the cosplay community.  We are so pleased to highlight Unwavering Artist.

1.) What sparked your interest in cosplay?

I’ve always loved the numerous forms of art expression. So at my first convention, when I saw all the amazing cosplays, it inspired me to try my skill in yet another art form.


2.) What has been your favorite character to cosplay?

My favorite character to cosplay is, and probably will be for a long time, Inuyasha. I grew up watching him so it’s a huge source of nostalgia and I feel like I really suit him.

3.) What would be your dream cosplay?

A dream cosplay? Well there are a lot of cosplays I really want to do, but I don’t have one in particular. A more accurate thing to say is that I dream that I can continue to cosplay for as long as I can.


Edit by: @felgnox.

4.) What has been the most difficult cosplay for you and why?

Aranea Highwind has probably been my biggest challenge as far as cosplays go. She was my first armored cosplay, so there was a lot of problem solving and last minute fixes.

Photo Credit: @camizzleful_photography.

5.) If you could reenact any scene in cosplay from any fandom, what would it be?

Oh I think I would love to reenact some crazy action scenes. Actions scenes take a lot of cinematic film work and creativity with shots and editing. A scene that stands out the most to me is the cutscenes from Final Fantasy XV where Noctis and Aranea battle it out for a little bit. Ultimately, it ends in Aranea leaving the scene.

Photo and Edit Credit: @tricksterreduxphotography.

6.) You cosplay a lot of different fandoms.  Which character (if any) would you say you relate to the most and why?

I think I relate most to Inuyasha. Sure, he seems to be my go-to, but he is a character I feel really close to.

I always tried really hard to be my own person and not be like everyone else, but in an effort to be unique, you can distance yourself from others. Inuyasha was born different and struggles with finding out where he wants to belong.

7.) If you could hang out with any character from any fandom, which character would you like to hang out with and why?

As for hanging out was any character, I actually think Inuyasha again. Duuuuuh. Because he is my favorite and I would love to travel around on his back like Kagome does!

But in an attempt to change things up, I would also really love to meet Uraraka from My hero Academia because I feel like we would get along well and she is absolutely adorable.

Edit: @the_ludmark.

8.) You’ve been to a few conventions in cosplay.  What has been your most memorable convention moment?

As for most memorable memory at a con? Well this may be a little cheesy, but at my first con that I ever attended, I met someone really special.

I met my partner in crime, Adonis Cosplay at the Naka Kon rave 4 years ago. That moment changed the course of my life from then on, so I think it was pretty memorable ?

Adonis Cosplay and Unwavering Artist.

9.) You love to cosplay Inuyasha. What about his character do you relate to and if you could ask him any question, what would it be? 

Well I kinda answered this in question 6, but if I were to ask him any question I would ask, “WHY THE HECK DID YOU TAKE SO LONG TO GET TOGETHER WITH KAGOME?!” ?

10.) You cosplay a lot of strong characters which is amazing.  What advice would you give to people who may want to start cosplaying, but are afraid to?

My advice would be to just go for it! Cosplay is an incredible thing, a way to display your hard work, meet new people, showcase what characters you love, and become someone new for the day.

It’s a very empowering feeling to be in cosplay. It may be scary to get your foot in the door, but once you are in, you will never go back!

11.) You cosplay a lot of anime characters.  What anime (if any) has been the biggest inspiration for your cosplay and why?

Honestly, I don’t think any anime in particular has had a huge impact on my inspiration.  I think it’s actually the cosplay community that keeps driving me forward. There are so many amazing people to meet and they all have such sweet things to say. My friends in the cosplay community are what give me the energy to crank out my next costume. They won’t let you give up. ❤️❤️

Thank you Unwavering Artist for doing this highlight with us.

Please make sure to follow her on her social media:

@unwavering_artist on instagram

Unwavering Artist Cosplay on Facebook


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