Arrow Season4 Finale


Darhk stakes claim and war not only on the city but the world. He steals the laptop that contains the Anti-Rubicon. Dark always has this thing about him: when his plans don’t go as planned, take no prisoners. Now that the Anti-Rubicon software is in his possession, Darhk plans to release the remaining nuclear missiles. Going back to the underlined theme this season of “hope”, Team Arrow is confused as to why Darhk would want to release the missile despite having his daughter back. Oliver believes that Darhk has lost “hope” after his wife, Ruvé, was killed. Dark, being  a man of his word, launches all the missiles giving the world 45 minutes to an hour to live.

Felicity informs Quentin Lance of a safe zone for a few to go when the missiles hit. She informs Quentin to take her mother there while she stays behind to try to save the world. Lyla moves her family and baby Sara to Coast City, the safe zone that was found by Felicity. Oliver discovers that Lyla has moved A.R.G.U.S and will be moving to City Hall to stop Darhk’s totem and location of his power source. Darhk is awaiting another power up after the deaths of billions from the missile launch. Despite Oliver’s warning, the team must listen as Lyla’s teams are killed off one by one. Darhk receives a boost of power from the deaths leaving Oliver more in doubt of his capability to stop him.

Darhk, never leaving Team Arrow time to breathe, sends ghost after them. Malcolm Merlin, with his impeccable timing, shows up to the lair and saves Thea (Speedy) during the attack. We also see the struggle of Andy not being able to kill one the ghost members as he has a flash back to his brother Andy, just before the fatal bullet.


Curtis, after fighting to survive, delivers a speech to Oliver about hope and fighting for their home. Oliver takes his words to heart and comes across the people of Star City in the streets in panic. Oliver talks them about being true survivors, and how it takes a “special tenacity” to live in Star City. His speech was so moving  enough to calm the people of Star City and Oliver becoming the beacon of hope.

Meanwhile, Felicity and Curtis are able to hack into the missile heading towards Star City redirecting it away from the city. Darhk explains that his mission now is to provide the people a mercy killing. The people of Star City are not willing to put up with Darhk, exclaiming to him to “get out of their town.” Arrow and the people of Star City are looking to dethrone the darkness. Darhk is surprised by the Green Arrow’s ability to wound him and fight off his powers. When looking for the hacker behind the nuclear missiles, Darhk discovers a wounded Cooper behind the keyboard.  Darhk controlling the bullet lodged in his chest, forces it to slowly its way to his heart. Darhk, unhappy by Cooper’s change of heart, kills him in front of his former love, Felicity.

The people of the city and Team Arrow continues to fight off Darhk and ghost in the streets of Star City. Darhk taunts Green Arrow about his inability to kill him as a reference back to Slade in Season 1 and the killing of his own mother. This time Green Arrow is able to kill Darhk, claiming that his actions and the people he killed were enough to deliver the fatal blow to Darhk.


Now that Darhk is defeated and the team is left to take time to heal, Jon Diggle decided to re-enlist in the army and Thea decides to take time away, feeling like she lost too much of herself.  This leaves Team Arrow with Green Arrow and Felicity to continue forward with saving the people of Star City. The episode ends with Oliver standing at Laurel’s grave asking for her forgiveness. Felicity joins him and knows that he will continue to struggle with the good and bad within himself. Lastly, Oliver’s speech was so moving that he was made Mayor of Star City.


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